Report from the Amazonas Environment Department reveals ranking of deforestation and fires
The Amazon Forest Deforestation and Fire Prevention and Control Plan Committee (PPCDQ/AM) of the state's Environment Department released a report at its tenth meeting, on July 28, revealing the scenario of deforestation and fires in the Legal Amazon in January to July 2022. The city of Apuí appears in first place in both state rankings, but also presents alternatives to combat this practice.
In the first half of this year, the city of Apuí had a deforestation of 341.38 km², the largest in the period and equivalent to about 41 thousand soccer fields. The second place went to Lábrea, also from Amazonas, with 304.52 km². Of the ten cities with the most deforestation, four are in Amazonas.
Despite being in first place, the city also has ways to change this scenario through sustainable initiatives, such as the first sustainable agroforestry coffee in the Brazilian Amazon, Café Apuí Agroflorestal, created by the partnership between Idesam and the company Amazônia Agroflorestal.
The production chain is sustainable because the coffee depends on the growth of the forest and its native species to survive, as they are responsible for enriching the soil, protecting against winds and, above all, shading the robusta coffee trees, which need these conditions to grow in greater quantity and quality. In this way, coffee production, in partnership with local family farming, encourages the protection of the Amazon rainforest.
In addition, the company is starting to implement a Payment for Environmental Services project, in which partner producer families are paid, in addition to coffee production, for protecting the native forest on their property.
“In this way, in addition to paying for the coffee produced at a price above the market, we also remunerate farming families for their role as guardians of the forest. The scenario revealed by the report only reaffirms our important mission of working with the production of sustainable coffee in this region, investing in family farming and forest protection. This bioeconomy can be a fundamental alternative for the future of the Amazon." says the executive director of Amazônia Agroflorestal, Sarah Sampaio.
When analyzing deforestation alerts each month, the state department report also shows that there has been a big increase in two aspects. When comparing the development of deforestation throughout the semester, it is noted that from January to June there was a strong upward trend. In January there were 44 alerts, while in June there were 400. An increase of more than 900%. When comparing the same months of 2022 and 2021, an increase is also seen in all months of the first half, with the exception of May.
When demonstrating the number of fire outbreaks in the Legal Amazon in the period from January 1st to July 24th, Amazonas goes to fifth place with 808 fire outbreaks and in first place is the state of Mato Grosso with 8080 outbreaks. When analyzing only the state of Amazonas, Apuí ranks first in the number of fires, with 114 out of 808, about 14% of the total. That is, for every 100 fires in the state of Amazonas , 14 are in Apuí.